There's a big sale a'comin' and since I enjoy a good sale as much as anybody, I'm joining Fifth in the Middle for...
Which of my products saved the day, you ask?
Well, I am not sure it completely "saved" the day, but it seems to have been just what someone needed!
This is a reading comprehension questions and answers game that reviews the four story elements of setting, characters, plot and theme of this novel.
I typically have used these cards to play "Jeopardy" but they could also be used to play "Zap".
I have also recently been in the process of updating my novel game products to include cards without answers already printed on them so you can play "Scoot" and "Scatter" too. :)
And on February 25th, you can get this game (and any of my many other novel games) for 28% off with the Promo Code from below:
Thanks for stopping by!